How to lose weight/with stretching


Introductory content.


How to lose weight: For us over sixty adults, losing weight seems to be more difficult than when we were younger. Years of dwindling exercise and some overeating, has caused us to gain a few more pounds than we desire. Well today, we are going to help you lose a few pounds naturally. As well as turning that unwanted fat into more of a leaner muscle. Otherwise, tone up your body a little more while losing a few pounds.

Stretching: Yes. First we start with stretching. That first thing in the morning reaching for the ceiling. Or if u are outside, reaching for the sky. Then slight side bends. Add a few toe touches in there. Then a few other stretches that you prefer. End it all with twelve trunk twists. And your done. Stretching for a minute or two throughout your day and breathing properly is the first thing to losing weight effectively.

Eating: We suggest that eating a hearty breakfast, and than an adequate lunch. This should help keep your mental and physical energy going for you throughout your day without feeling sluggest. Then a light dinner, before 8 pm is normally best to help lose weight. If you work until around midnight or so, Like I do, eating after work is now breakfast. And you are not breaking that 10 to 12 hours of natural fasting. And normally will gain or keep the same weight because of that late night eating. Let’s try not to eat or snack after dinner.

Sleeping: Adequate rest daily is essential to losing weight and maintaining a healthy mind and body. Around seven hours a night during the work week should be adequate for most people. More on Friday night into Saturday morning and Saturday night into Sunday morning, if possible. A thirty to sixty minute nap on a Saturday afternoon seems to work wonders for me when I have an event to go to that Saturday night.

Disconnecting your thoughts from the TV, computer, laptop, cellphone and all electronics, seems to help our sleep to be more satisfying. We like not having that glimmer of lights from our cellphone devices while getting our Zzz’s.

Exercising. Burning calories is crucial to losing and maintaining your desired weight. To lose weight naturally is to increase your sweat. Sweating is a way the body cools itself. So let’s take a brisk walk, preferably after dinner, your sleep well be sweeter. And that first thing in the morning 30-minute walk, gets your blood flowing to have an enjoyable morning.

Let’s do jumping jacks, boxing, kick boxing, zumba, cycling or any number of things of your choosing, to keep your body moving. Movement is the key to a healthy heart and burning of calories.

If you are trying to lose, let’s say, 30 or more pounds. It is highly recommended that one stretches and do your exercises/workouts six days a week. Once you reach your target weight, then three times a week will be adequate. Remember: To hold in the tummy while stretching and/or exercising as much as possible. This will help tone and solidify that midsection.


In conclusion. Please remember to drink water. Before, during and after an energetic workout. If you feel hungry between meals or after dinner, drink a glass of water, or a bottled water. I drink a full glass of water, first thing in the morning. And before eating. My daddy used to say, son, put that drink down and eat your food first, then quench your thirst. Or wash your food down with your drink. Please do the opposite to eat less and lose a few pounds. Drink first and you will eat less. The body is thirsty when we think that it is hungry. So, try do drink water before you get thirsty.

Your water weight comes off in the morning. Which is, the best time to weigh yourself when you are keeping track of your weight lose.

Stay positive, stay consistent, and the weight will come off. Your body will become leaner, turning that excess fat into lean muscle. And muscle burns more calories than fat. Losing weight takes a time for most people. It took months or even years to gain that weight. So, taking it off is an enjoyable process.

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How to lose weight/with stretching

Introductory content. How to lose weight: For us over sixty adults, losing weight seems to be more difficult than when we were younger. Years of dwindling exercise and some overeating, has caused us to gain a few more pounds than we desire. Well today, we are going to help you lose a few pounds naturally. […]


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